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Our Story

We are premier textile recycling, by collecting unwanted clothing and other textiles to donate, recycle, and/or consignments. It's really that simple! Our mission is to provide easier access for the average person to recycle and donate. Used textiles are still valuable, and donating yours can make the world a better place! 

Our green bins can be dropped off virtually anywhere! Our green bin allows more opportunities for the public and companies to donate and recycle rather than discard into landfills. 

No Contract - No Fees - Fully Insured

Textiles make up over 11 million tons of landfills each year. That means about 80% of clothing gets thrown out and ends up as landfill waste. Textiles can take over 200 years to decompose, which generates methane gas and leaches toxic chemicals into our groundwater and soil.

Too much methane gas can reduce the amount of oxygen we breathe in from the air. This can cause slurred speech, memory loss, vision problems, and headaches. 

The toxic chemicals can end up draining down to our reservoirs and water streams making them contaminated!
